PLC BLOG | Siemens STEP 7
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Introduction to Siemens STEP 7

simens simatic manager

Step7 is Siemens software for configuration and programming of Siemens SIMATIC S7-300/S7-400 programmable logic controllers. In Step 7 Programming language are compliant with EN 61131-3 Standard package. Step7 comes with group of application and each application designed for different type of automation task. In step7 software many standard software package are available by using them you are able to do following task In Step7

simens simatic manager


The SIMATIC Manager manages all the data that belong to your automation project. Simatic manager is first application program of Siemens step7. You can create all supported automation task by using of simatic manager. In simatic manager all applications are accessible. For starting simatic manger wright click and run as administrator or you can press START button than select Siemens automation - Simatic manager. Fastest way to open simatic manager double click on simatic manager icon on desktop. You can perform following task with the help of simatic manager

siemens simatic manager

what is Hardware configuration

In HW Config: hardware configuration windows you can configure and assign parameter of your plc, module and other hardware. To open hardware Configuration select your station in simatic manager and then click on hardware icon. Step7 hardware configuration window automatically assigns an address to each module, You can reassign or change these addresses.In hardware Configuration you can perform following task.

siemens Hardware configuration

NET PRO : Network configuration

Using NetPro application , you can easily configure and assign of network parameters for PLC . NETPRO gives graphical representation of net, subnet, controller, station etc. graphical representation helps for easily configuration of project. To start NETPRO click on netpro icon in simatic manager. In network configuration you can assign following parameters

siemens up/down Counter Instructions


This application allows you to create and debug program for the SIMATIC S7 CPUs (PLC). the programming language representations Ladder Logic (LAD), Function Block Diagram(FBD), and Statement List (STL). when you doble click on any of the block like ob1, fb1 this window open. you can create program block, user defined blocks etc for your project and monitored. some of the following function are Available

siemens lad editor

Symbol editor

In symbol editor window, you create and redefine symbols or edit them. When you open a symbol table for the first time after it was created, it is empty. For opening of symbol table double click on symbol in simatic manger or during ladder editor you can easily define symbol by pressing alt + return. For defining symbol insert name, data type and address. In symbol editor you can also define OB, DB, FB.The symbols you define using this method can be used throughout the whole user program for a programmable module.

siemens Symbol editor


if you don't have hardware or you want to test program or block so you can simulate it with the help of plc simulator. you do not require any Simens hardware. You can use S7-PLCSIM to simulate STEP 7 user programs that were developed for S7-300, S7-400 and WinAC controllers. S7-PLCSIM provides a simple interface to the STEP 7 user program for monitoring and modifying different objects such as input and output variables. You can also use the various applications of the STEP 7 software while you are running your program on the simulated CPU. S7-PLCSIM provides a graphical user interface for viewing and modifying control program variables, running the program of the simulated PLC in single or continuous scan mode, and changing the operating mode of the simulated controller.